Hello, my name is Ainsley, and I am the founder of Mom Aid. After becoming a mom and going through my first week postpartum, I found myself asking the same question. Why hadn't I come across anything about postpartum recovery while preparing for the arrival of my son? Well, I guess that's because no one really wants to talk about it. I mean vagina, perineum and rectum soreness aren't the cutest topics. I get it. The postpartum experience is life-changing and incredible. However, the physical pain, discomfort, and intense emotions you experience are also entirely normal, and 100% a part of this amazing time in your life. That's why I created MOM AID, to give all the moms out there the necessities that I wish I had been given, during my postpartum recovery. So let's take some time to prepare for the good, the bad, and the ugly.